I am an assistant professor of anthropology at
University of Montreal. My scholarship pursues two interrelated lines of inquiry. The first one makes central the question of difference, broadly understood, and examines the relationship between normative understandings of pluralism and pluralism as a lived practice. The second one focuses on political mobilization, activism and social movements, and explores how different social actors mobilize to address inequality and power hierarchies and what kind of alternative world they envision. What inspires both these research agendas is the question of how people come together to act for justice and recognition. I am author of numerous publications on religious pluralism, religious and ethnic minorities, multiculturalism, postsocialist transformation, and, most recently, far-right movements, transnational nationalism and fascism. My most recent book
Living Right is coming out with Princeton University Press in 2024.
At the University of Montreal, I work on establishing a social movements lab and work on two new projects: the first one focuses on activism around climate change, including the hitherto understudied question of far-right environmentalism, while the second project tackles contrasting ideas and practices of solidarity in the context of welfare retrenchment. Prior to coming to Montreal, I was a senior research fellow at University of Vienna. I am currently a co-editor of
Ethnologia Europea and secretary of the
Society for Anthropology of Europe.
agnieszka.pasieka@umontreal.ca @agadarancia